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Scourmont Abbey, Forges

Ein Himmelsblick auf die prächtige Scourmont Abbey, Forges
Ein Himmelsblick auf die prächtige Scourmont Abbey, Forges
Ein Himmelsblick auf die prächtige Scourmont Abbey, Forges


The Trappist Scourmont Abbey is located 117 kilometers south of Brussels, not far from the French border. It is tucked away in a scenic and quiet area of the Ardennes forest. The abbey is famous for its Trappist beer, Chimay, named after a nearby town.

Scourmont Abbey is a popular retreat destination and yet, it retains an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. The monks lead a secluded existence, focusing on prayer, labor, and study. There are seven prayer services a day in the stately and spartan church, including the night sermon at 4:30 am. Guests are welcome to stay for multi-day retreats, provided you follow along (for the most part) the strict daily routine. The monks speak French and a little Dutch.

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Einrichtungen und Informationen

Merkmale und Einrichtungen


Retreats angeboten

An das Kloster angeschlossene Unterkunft

Unterkunft in der Nähe des Klosters

Religiöse Orden



Gebäude aus dem 19. Jahrhundert

Anreiseinformationen und Wegbeschreibung

Adresse: Abbaye Notre-Dame de Scourmont, Forges, Hainaut, ForgesB-6464, Belgien

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